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Maine - Mid Coast Run

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:54 am
by Modeler
I was invited to do a little trip up to coastal Maine Thursday to Sunday to meet up with the Western Maine Mountain Jeepers. Really nice group of folks. Camped at one of their member's house and wheeled Friday and Saturday. Due to rain in the morning on Saturday I wheeled the same trail on both days, the devil I knew vs. the devil I didn't, as I heard the two other trail possibilities were going to be slog/winch fests. They were right.

It was kind of weird not knowing anyone when I got there, but by the end of Friday it was like we were old friends, Jeepers are Jeepers everywhere. :banana-guitar:

Real nice trail system up there. I was seriously out of practice, and it showed on the first day, multiple attempts on obstacles that I should have gone right up had I looked at the potential lines better. I never had to take the hook, and did one particular hill climb on Saturday that was at least 400 ft long pinging the rev limiter all the way to keep momentum and not spin the tires in a higher gear. I had been able to crawl the same hill on Friday before it rained. It was one hell of an adrenaline dump, most of you know I don't usually rev out the engine like that.

I look forward going back next year, already been invited back.

Oh, and I scored as hell of a deal on a factory TJ/LJ Rubicon front DS, new in box, from one of the Admins on the Northeast Overland website. Turns out he lived in the next town over from where we were.

Pictures: ... oast%20Run